Sign up now to play in the upcoming season! Join up to 400 players enjoying the fun and camaraderie of senior softball on the Cape. We invite men 50 years and older and women 40 and older to join the fun. Follow the registration link to the right to learn more and reserve your spot.
We are now welcoming sponsors for the 2025 Season. Sponsorship is a great way to support the senior community while promoting your business!
Click on the link below to learn more.
The Cape Cod Senior Softball League Facebook page is now active. Please follow and share - spread the word!
Lead by the unsinkable JoJo Schaefer, the CCSSL Recruiting team is ramping up. Sign up below to join in as we build community, recruit players and have a blast. Check often as we'll be adding new events regularly. Volunteer!
Our annual march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade is on deck! Sign up to join in on the fun here!
Division | Divisional Champ | Tournament Winner |
D1 Cassidy | Ockers Company | Ryan Amusements |
D2 Simpson | Paradise Pizza | More pizza |
D3 Winnett | Fellman Brothers | Fellman Brothers |
D4 Rose | Birdwatchers | Leonard Insurance |
CCSSL Spirit of Softball and Hall of Fame member Dick Carroll passed away on 11/24/2024. Dick played for 26 years and wound up his softball career at 90. Dick was instrumental in developing the Senior Classic. The league mourns his passing.
Per his wishes. There will be no services. Upon his passing, Dick requested that donations be made to the Cape Cod Senior Softball League, 23 Primrose Street South Dennis, MA 02660.
Of all the CCSSL firsts this year, none is more gratifying than the introduction of our COED division. Under the determined direction of Debbie Connors and a team of dedicated new managers, the four team division is wrapping up its season of Friday evening games. The players, many in their first year, exhibited the best of our league's traits of competition, community and friendship. I can't wait to see what they do next season!
Special thanks to Charlie Salerno for his guidance and dedication in making the COED division a reality.
Jim Gunning, Commissioner
A crowd of over 200 players, friends and family gathered on Friday, July 19 at Harwich Fields to enjoy our inaugural All-Star Games. Read more
Link to Cape Cod Chronicle (edit: Chuck A’s Homer was a grand salami!)
Following a D1 game at Sandy Pond last Thursday, we endured a frightening cardiac arrest event. Gratefully, among our players was an experienced, recently retired Firefighter / Paramedic who saved a life on that night. Thank you Shawn!
The sun soaked fairways of Dennis Highlands Golf Course provided the stage for our 1st annual tournament. Eighty players, friends and family enjoyed a gorgeous day of golf followed by lunch, libations and a fun raffle. We exceeded our fund raising goals and have fully covered the cost of AEDs at the fields for this year. Thank you to the players and sponsors for their generous donations.
Read the recently published Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA article espousing the virtues of active senior living and the role our league plays as an outlet for health and well-being.
Notices of recent passings in our CCSSL family:
Neil Harris
Peter Brooks
Please send condolences to:
Mrs. Sandra Brooks, 10 John Hall Cartway. Yarmouth Port, MA. 02675
Stanley Russell
Billy Page
A celebration of life will be held on Bill's birthday (Saturday, March 16th) at 2:00 pm at the First Church Sandwich, 136 Main Street, Sandwich, MA.
William Hooper
Charles Crawford
Thomas DaRonco
Dome Ball is back beginnig Monday, 12/2. Games are on most Mondays and Fridays throughout the winter in Bridgewater. Sign up is by the drink - add your name for the day(s) you want to play.
Sign Up below to bowl in our 2nd session beginning on Jan. 6. Let's Roll!
Rob Richardson, right, won a set of bowling bowls for rolling the most pins over average in session 1.
Weather permitting BP will be at Kelley Field in Dennis on Tues, Thurs & Sat at 10:00. "GREEN" below means is on.
Hats, shirts and more for sale here. Cash and Pick-Up Only!
Somebody is always hitting! Let folks know what you've got going.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for 2/19, 4:00, Harwich Community Center
Videographer Candice McGovern