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History of League



The Cape Cod Senior Softball League (CCSSL), started in 1987, then known as the Cape Old Timers Softball League is dedicated to senior softball. Our first priority is to provide an atmosphere of recreation and enjoyment of the game of softball for players at all levels of athletic skill at a competitive level.  We strive to provide a safe environment for all players.  CCSSL is a non-profit corporation staffed by dedicated officers, directors and volunteers who donate their time and efforts to the operation and total governance of the League.  Our goal, as outlined in the League’s By-Laws, is to support softball programs and related activities that will best serve the senior population that resides in a wide area of Cape Cod in the state of Massachusetts. 


Since the organization of the CCSSL in 1987, we have expanded our membership to over 250 active players, each of whom brings a variety of skills and abilities to their respective twenty teams.


Within the total structure of CCCSL, teams are formed according to specific age levels: Division 1 (ages 55-65); Division 2 (ages 66-74); Division 3 (ages 75 and up).  The League has also formed the new Masters Division, which is a new recreational division for players who are interested in this type of format rather than in a competitive division.  This division will be open to all regardless of age.  Further, highly talented players are also selected by managers to compete in local, state and national tournaments, according to their age brackets, as mandated by A.S.A. tournament requirements.


Following the regular season games of the League, in early September a non-qualifier softball tournament, “Cape Cod Senior Classic,” is held. This annual six day event attracts over 50 teams from the East Coast and Canada and has received numerous accolades from visiting managers, players and family members who attend and participate in these tournament games and enjoy the ambiance of Cape Cod in the late Summer.