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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

07/23/2021, 8:30am EDT
By Judy Kennedy

BOD Meeting Minutes 4-30-2021

CAPE COD SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING APRIL 30, 2021 HARWICH COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Barry, Bob Callahan, Ben Caswell, Peter Cutler, Jim Gresis, Brian Hastings, John Hession, Jay Houser, Bill Prodgers, Peter Strand and Commissioner Van Khachadoorian Meeting Called to Order by Commissioner Khachadoorian at 9:34 A.M. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Prodgers to accept the minutes of the 04/09/2021 minutes. Seconded by Hession. Brian Hastings noted that a correction needed to be made. At the end of the 4/9 meeting, he had made a motion and it was seconded by Mike Barry. The motion was that the policy he has shared with all members and that he is proposing is to supersede all parts (unless otherwise noted) of Recommendation #3 (Divisional Assignments and Player Placement) which was previously submitted to the Board. The Motion was not moved on because of a lack of a quorum. Vote on the approval of minutes, with correction, is unanimous. Treasurer’s Report: Hession Motion by Prodgers to accept the treasurer’s report. Seconded by Cutler. Motion carries without dissent The Commissioner stated that he was going to move around with the agenda. OTHER LEAGUE MATTERS: 1. Score books, ice packs, first aid kits, softballs. Peter Cutler has purchased new score books, first aid kits have been ordered from Foley’s, ice packs purchased. We have 900 softballs now stored in the shed. These items will be distributed to the managers at the meeting. 2. Additional Storage: Cutler Looking at a 6’ x 4’ metal cabinet to put in the storage shed. 3. Managers meeting will be Saturday, May 8th at 1:00 pm, at Potter/Memorial Fields. Van met with Kaleidoscope regarding shirts for new sponsors. There might be a slight delay in receiving new shirts because suppliers are having difficulty because of the pandemic. 4. Replacement: We need a new sign for the entrance at the front gate “Potter/Memorial Fields”. It is 29 years old and is deteriorating. 5. Safety Protocol: In summary, wear a mask around your neck. If you can’t social distance put the mask up. -1- 6. Board Vacancies 2021-2022: Commissioner, Treasurer, (3) Directors At Large. The Recording Secretary announced that she will be leaving her position after the General Meeting (This is not an elected position). If you or you know of anyone interested please come forward. LEAGUE MATTERS/REPORTS 1. Teams: Van As of today we have 20 teams, 6 each in D-1 and 2, 4 each in D-3 and 4. 2. Fields: Salerno D-Y School District said no fields will be available this year. This means we will not be using Baker. Asked Yarmouth about Sandy Pond: we have it for M., T., W., & Th., evenings. Homer is for little league, however, I was able to get Homer for Monday evening. Harwich: Potter will be used by the girl’s HS team May and half of June for X number of games. I would like to meet with the Divisional Presidents and the Commissioner after this meeting to resolve our field issue. 3. Final Report: Player Evaluations - Van Job well done! The whole process was so well run. All the PEAC’s were present. There seemed to be a lot of walk-on (thanks to great recruiting). I think there were about 45 new recruits. Thanks to all who worked on this, especially Brian and Peter thanks for taking care of the applications at this event. Ben Caswell suggested that next time, we have a rain date (at least for the 1st evaluation). 4. President’s Reports: Division 1- Jay Houser: we have 73 players, due in part to walk-ons and late sign-ups. We will have 6 teams with 12 players. We also have a strong pool-player group. There was a special need for 2 pitchers and according to policy, pitching moves can be made without question. Division 2 – Brian Hastings: 79 players for 6 teams. 4 players will be evaluated during pre-season. Division 3 – Jim Gresis: 52 players for 4 teams. 3 can’t play until June. We have 5 new players. I have 1 player who can only play on Mondays. Division 4 – Peter Strand: 51 players for 4 teams Draft Dates: D-1 on 5/5, D-2 on 5/1, D-3 on 5/3 and D-4 on 4/30 (maybe) Masters – Bill Prodgers: Currently we have16 – 17 players signed up 5. Teams and Manager Assignments: Division 1, Jay Houser President. Ben and Jerry – Frank Pina, Ferretti’s Market –Bill Campbell, Birdwatchers - Curt Stevens, Mid-Cape Door –Dave Abercrombie, Healing Energy Exchange – Bob Maruca and Cape Cod 5 – John Frazer. Division 2, Brian Hastings President. Foley Medical – John Danby, Town Taxi – Bill Eagan, Paradise Pizza – Steve Marlin, Osterville Home & Garden –Ralph Crossen, J.C. Ricotta – Steve Grolinic and Cape Save – Jon Vaughan. -2- Division 3, Jim Gresis President. Fellman Bros. – Joe Caulfield, Aggregate Ind. –Wayne Draeger, Honeydew Donuts – Alan Sharp and Kaleidoscope – Robert Fawcett. Division 4, Peter Strand President. Leonard Ins. Agency – Chris Sweeney, C.C. Orthopedics – Rob Robhidoux, Fare & Just Kitchen – Jim Van Baalen and Broadreach Health – Mike Hanafee. 6. Open Session: Jim Gresis – I’ll need pants/shorts for new players and we will play 28 games, not 24. Peter Cutler – Where can Div. 4 practice. Van said that we can use Brooks Park or Basset field for practice. Or Mon/Wed. morning at Kelley 1. Where do we get pool players? Div.3. will help out. Ben Caswell – I hope we can all take joy in the fact that we will be playing this year Mike Barry - If new players come, what do we do? Van, PEAC involved in evaluation, but our evaluation process has taken place. Brian Hastings moves that the policy I have shared with all members and that I am proposing is to supersede all parts (unless otherwise noted) of Recommendation #3 (Divisional Assignments and Player Placement) which was previously submitted to the Board. Nothing would change until 2022 season. Motion seconded by Hession. Brain said that players need to know in advance that performance and ability, not age is the criteria upon which they will be evaluated. How you play this year will affect your evaluation at the end of the season and where you will be placed next season. Brian feels that this motion will ensure that the players understand that message. Van proposed a Motion to amendment Brian’s Motion: I request that members of the Board of Directors shall agree to suspend any further discussions related to the rules, bylaws and policies of the league, pending the final preparation for the smooth transition and opening of the season May 10, 2021 in the best interest of the members. Further, the Commission shall schedule a Board meeting later in the season to revisit all policies, rules, by-law revisions needed for the 2022 season. Motion seconded by Strand It was agreed upon that Brian’s motion be carried forward. Motion made by Callahan to table any further discussion on Policy #3 and that it is to be discussed for further consideration at the July 2021 Board meeting. Seconded by Hastings. Motion Carries without dissent Motion to adjourn the meeting by Prodgers. Seconded by Gresis. Meeting Adjourned at 11:58 A.M. Next Meeting TBA Minutes submitted by: Judy Kennedy, Recording Secretary

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